• Itch Guard Cream

Itch Guard Cream

MRP: 58.00
Main features
  • Athletes foot/itching, burning and cracked skin between toes
  • Jock Itch/ itchy, burning rash in groin area
  • Itching in waist, folds of inner thighs, buttocks and underside of breasts & armpits
Product Description

Itch Guard is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial for topical application on inflamed and itching skin areas. It's active ingredients conatin clotrimazole which acts as antifungal and menthol which soothes skin and gives a cooling effect. Clotrimazole, the key ingredient of this cream is useful in fungal and yeast skin infections. It is used to treat athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm, and candidiasis.itch-guard Itch-guard is an effective remedy for treating burning sensation and itching of skin caused due to sweat, humidity, and friction. It gives fast relief in itching between fingers, waist, inner thighs, buttocks, underline of breasts, armpits and groin area.

All Features

Athletes foot/itching, burning and cracked skin between toes

Jock Itch/ itchy, burning rash in groin area

Itching in waist, folds of inner thighs, buttocks and underside of breasts & armpits

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